There’s No Cure for Citrus Greening. California Growers Have No Choice But to Keep Going
The bacteria is fatal to citrus trees and has decimated citrus groves in Florida and Texas. Now, California growers are holding the line to keep producing the vital crops. As temperatures rise, that gets more difficult.
Shocking that this story is so completely wrong and scientifically incorrect in many areas. A simple Google search of Greening cures in Florida, if the author had done so, would have helped fact check a few things. The most laughable falsehood here is that Florida’s disease spread came from cutting and diseased grafting. Anyone with a fleeting knowledge of the situation knows that’s not close to true. The disease was spread by the psyllid and the State’s lack of commitment to try and stop the psyllid, which unfortunately is an extremely efficient vector for HLB. There is a cure. It… Read more »
What’s the original, evolutionary habitat of citrus, oranges, lemons? We would have to look at where they’re native and have evolved for millions of years, within the forests of Asia, probably China. It’s not an emergent tree in that forest, it’s not even a high canopy tree. You could classify it as a mid-canopy tree. Those forests have many deciduous trees above the citrus that lose their leaves at a certain time of year every season. Could we replicate to some degree the natural environment that citrus has been adapted to over millions of years in our plantations? It has… Read more »