Comments on: Small-Scale Farming Shouldn’t Just Be a Hobby. So Why Is It So Hard to Make a Living? Farm. Food. Life. Fri, 30 Aug 2024 04:48:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michelle Terrell Sun, 18 Feb 2024 17:10:28 +0000 In reply to Linda Stewart.

Why can’t people learn how to farm leaner from urban farms? I think writing about how to farm more efficiently would definitely help small struggling farms.

By: Patricia Thu, 15 Feb 2024 06:53:14 +0000 This is a lovely article that definitely helps for those of us who feel this way. During 2020 and 2021, CSAs went up to help the displaced cost of lack of markets. But now the markets are busy and there is a lack of CSAs. We have to grow each year in a completely different way to support a different thing. And now we sell to CSAs farmers markets, other produce box programs, small market vendors and restaurants. There just isn’t an industry that has to do what farmers have to do to be a small business. There isn’t grants for small businesses the way that there could be and the way that there should be. Even the government grants that people think are available through the farm. Bills aren’t really there for small farms or family farms. They’re definitely for 200 plus acre farms with people who are hired to write their grants. This may not be true of every single place in all 50 states. So of course the same as this article. For us, it’s nearly impossible to scale up and on a acre and a quarter with two people and five children, it’s nearly impossible to do more than we already do.

By: Chris123 Mon, 06 Nov 2023 19:09:54 +0000 There is no reason why small-scale farming can’t be profitable. But the reality is that typical profit margins in agriculture – at any scale – are 10-15% of gross sales at best. So you’re not going to support your family on a farm that grosses $100,000 without off-farm income. It’s not that small farming isn’t feasible, but you need to have realistic expectations.

By: Guatu Santana Sat, 04 Nov 2023 02:15:43 +0000 In reply to Lilias Pettit-Scott.

In my experience, I’ve had a hard time selling. We have a lot of competition from bigger farms who have enough to give at a cheaper price and supermarkets that sell imported produce at cheaper prices. So I keep going, farming because that’s my passion, my dream. But I need a second job to be able to sustain my self. There are people that make it, but that’s all depending on the area where you live. In my case, there’s people struggling economically and that’s something I can’t judge.

By: Rachel Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:14:17 +0000 In reply to Lilias Pettit-Scott.

My experience has been similar to the author and contributors of this article, but I also believe in what you’re saying- that small, lean farms can be successful (or at least I’d like to believe they can). I would be interested in hearing an article about your point of view- ModFarm takes submissions…

By: Linda Stewart Sat, 28 Oct 2023 15:44:01 +0000 In reply to Lilias Pettit-Scott.

Writing about those farmers would be a darn short article because there are very few of them, centered only in urban areas.

By: Lilias Pettit-Scott Wed, 25 Oct 2023 16:53:37 +0000 This article is not accurate and frustrating to read. I farm in North Carolina on a 1/3 of an acre and know plenty of farmers producing food on an acre or less that are making a good living without off-farm income. They cover their costs, pay themselves a living wage and produce tons of food for their communities.

Yes we are losing farm land. Because the development value of the land is way higher than a new farmer looking for property to farm can afford. And just like any small business, farmers have to learn to grow smarter, not harder. There are ways to produce food in a lean, efficient way that is good for the earth and can provide a fair income at the same time. You might not turn a big profit but you can make enough to pay yourself, your staff, and put money back into the farm to improve systems.

Please write about those farmers. Let’s give people hope that this industry can thrive instead of perpetuating the myth that no one can make a living farming on a small scale.

By: Allison Mon, 09 Oct 2023 11:17:33 +0000 What if the farm bill subsidized small farmers as much as soy and corn? What if America provided Healthcare and a universal income to citizens. We could pay for that if we cut spending on the industrial war complex and taxed the ultra wealthy.
