Comments on: OPINION: You Can’t Sit With Us Farm. Food. Life. Mon, 13 May 2024 15:36:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brad Wilson Tue, 13 Dec 2022 01:49:31 +0000 It’s agribusiness that’s been killing diversity, (killing agriculture and duping both sides,) over the past 7 decades, (my entire life). See my “You Can’t Fix Sustainability Without Justice.”

By: Brad Wilson Tue, 13 Dec 2022 01:46:26 +0000 You’re right, they’re abusive macho bullies. (Of course, that means that they feel impotent.) I’ve been fighting them for decades. In recent years we’ve lost leadership on agriculture’s key issues. The leading torch was carried by NFO, (50s-70s,) AAM (esp. late 70s-80s,) AAM (80s-90s,) then NFFC. Today we have no-one carrying the torch for the core. But few young activists today know that that history ever happened, nor do they understand where we stand today. So you have gotten a huge thing wrong here, like almost all of the younger activists today and more urban/suburban activists. “They” are not “agriculture.” Agriculture is largely the opposite. Agriculture has fought against them and won, over decades. I too encounter them online where I kick butt (focusing on core farm bill issues), because, (as an elder from the Movement representing the interests of agriculture), I know how to do that. (See my Family Farm Justice Movement Literacy Test.) They’re sitting ducks, as are rural Republican politicians. Agriculture itself has been massively abused over the decades, with the core issue being the reduction and elimination of the core of the Farm Bill. Few progressives supported us in those efforts, just churches and labor. There, however, conservatives have long represented the minority, (shilling for our agribusiness overlords [who have opposite interests from agriculture, & I can show the evidence on all of this, as I’ve done for decades]). Paradoxically, progressives (unknowingly) side with these coddlers-of-agribusiness/abusers-of-agriculture directly against their own clearly stated values and goals. Michael Pollan is the classic example. He ranted and railed against cheap corn, but in the end, almost always supported the cheapest of cheap corn in his public statements (thousand of words in NYT, on Oprah and Bill Moyers, in food films). He never learned what George Naylor was really saying. See my slide show “The Rural Trump Vote: Who’s behind the Trauma.”

By: Candella Fri, 09 Dec 2022 17:10:24 +0000 In reply to William.

Bullying from the pew is never equal to bullying from the pulpit
While it’s true that all bullying is bad, it’s not all created equal. There are inherent power differentials in which bullying from the pulpit is a more impactful attack.
And even so,
Not all men- ok, but if more men aren’t standing up and saying to other men – ‘ hey knock off the bullying, knock it off with the misogyny. Rape threats are absolutely not ok, quit being an ass, etc… well, your silence looks a whole lot like complicity.
If you’re not willing to stand up against the bullies, then your “not all men” argument is completely invalid as you’re part of the crowd that lets it continue.

By: Dreya Tue, 13 Oct 2020 20:19:03 +0000 In reply to Wendy Johnson.

Yes, let’s build community, not tear it down. That starts with the people who dominate industry being inclusive, welcoming, and supportive of people who want to join the community. Like it or not, they’re the ones responsible for setting the tone. We all do have a whole lot of struggles, so let’s make sure racism, sexism, ableism, and generally treating people like dirt isn’t one of them. I have witnessed accomplished woman farmers being snubbed by the old boys’ network more than once, no social media involved. It happens.

By: Dreya Tue, 13 Oct 2020 20:06:36 +0000 In reply to Thea.

“[B]uilt by the men before us”… because nobody else was permitted to have a seat at that table that wasn’t silent and subservient. Some were not permitted to have a seat at that table at all. The contributions of women, people of color, and other non-white, non-male, non-straight, non-abled people have been ignored for way too long. How can we respect what’s been built when it continues to be so disrespectful to *everyone else* who helped build it?

By: Jeanette Tue, 22 Sep 2020 00:55:38 +0000 The issue is also because of an environmental stance of any kind. Do not know what is wrong with people even here in the city in CA, you get ostrified for any env. cause. the fools just love their cheap toxic food.

By: Mel Hignell Mon, 18 May 2020 01:01:33 +0000 In reply to Abbey.

It’s not “a man’s world” unless you allow it to be, which it sounds like you do.

So sit down. Shut the fuck up. And let the strong women of the world fight to no longer have “a man’s world” be a thing. It’s about time it becomes a woman’s world, doncha think? Or do you need to ask a man if it’s okay first?

By: Mel Hignell Mon, 18 May 2020 00:57:04 +0000 In reply to Thea.


Omg you’re seriously telling her to keep her mouth shut so that men will be nice to her?

Do you fucking hear yourself?

It’s women like you who hold us back from equality. If you are such a proponent for staying in your lane when it comes to the boys, how about you sit your weak ass down and let us strong women continue to fight for your rights.

Pathetic and shameful.

By: ND Nice Sun, 17 May 2020 13:34:46 +0000 Speak girl. Sooo many examples of racism and homophobia in what’s supposed to be “North Dakota nice.”
Thank you.

By: Barney Berner Mon, 09 Mar 2020 16:27:13 +0000 I read the whole article and still don’t know what you’re talking about. A general gist that you feel mistreated by men is all that is conveyed, with no actual behavior identification that may be addressed by the accused.
