Comments on: United States, Mexico at Odds Over Mexico’s Ban of Genetically Modified Corn Farm. Food. Life. Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:06:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lar Mon, 27 Mar 2023 00:12:23 +0000 If Mexico doen not want to pollute its own corn strains with GMO corn, they should not be forced to do so. Tom Vilsack was once a lobbyiest for Monsanto and probably has deep ties with those still affiliated with old Monsanto, now Bayer. May he rot in a very uncomfortable place!

By: Marge Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:27:01 +0000 I just wanted to add this:
That’s all.

By: Marge Thu, 23 Mar 2023 16:23:46 +0000 I wonder how the US is going to force Mexico to buy GM corn. We know that Monsanto’s profits are at stake. We know that Monsanto owns large share of the US government. Is Monsanto going to force the US government to invade Mexico in order to make them buy the crap corn we grow?

By: Amelia Wed, 22 Mar 2023 12:54:06 +0000 I’m a little confused about some of the context of this article. The main point it emphasizes is that Mexico doesn’t want GMO corn because it doesn’t seem safe. But it seems to me that Mexico may have more reasons to be concerned than just that. For one, Mexico mentions protecting their biodiversity – if imported corn becomes dominant, that could spell monoculture and less cultivation of other species. Imported corn may also threaten their own economic stability by being forced to rely on imports as US corn becomes more and more widespread and undermines the Mexican corn market. Do tariff laws prevent raising those concerns? I wish the article explored the economic side as well.

By: Stephanie Bourdelle Wed, 22 Mar 2023 11:17:32 +0000 My husband & I do NOT eat GMO corn–it gives us bellyaches (just like the caterpillars it “controls”). We had to start growing our own corn from organic seeds, or only go to the nearby vegetable stand where they do NOT grow GMO corn (they found the GMO corn was not good for their cows and the milk).
We know the pesticides which are used for increasing GMO corn production are destructive to butterflies (esp. monarchs), bees, and the birds who eat these insects. The various litigations and successful cases against the companies making these toxic pesticides support the fact of deadly toxicity to humans. If you put out GMO corn, many animals will NOT eat it (rats, raccoons, deer, etc.). If you put out both organic and GMO corn, the cattle will choose the organic and avoid the GMO, same with other animals.
GMO corn and veggies are NOT safe for long-term consumption–the animals are showing us this. The die off of the bees and birds are showing us that the pesticides which are coupled with the GMO corn are deadly–as has been proven with the many cases against the corporations selling the seeds & pesticides (and controlling them so that the farmers may not save the resulting seeds, etc.).
DO NOT FORCE THE MEXICANS TO ACCEPT THESE TOXINS just because the companies controlling them are determined to make a “killing”–the flora/fauna/and people be damned. PLEASE, Mexico is right to ban these, stop muscling Mexico/Mexicans to come under the controlling yoke of Syngenta, Bayer et al

By: Stephanie Bourdelle Wed, 22 Mar 2023 11:07:13 +0000 My husband & do NOT eat GMO corn–it gives us bellyaches (just like the caterpillars it “controls”). We had to start growing our own corn from organic seeds, or only go to the nearby vegetable stand where they do NOT grow GMO corn (they found the GMO corn was not good for their cows and the milk). We know the pesticides are used for increasing GMO corn production are destructive to butterflies (esp. monarchs), bees, and the birds who eat these insects. If you put out GMO corn, many animals will NOT eat it (rats, racoons, deer, etc.). If you put out both organic and GMO corn, the cattle will choose the organic and avoid the GMO, same with other animals. GMO corn and veggies are NOT safe for long-term consumption–the animals are showing us this. The die off of the bees and birds are showing us that the pesticides which are coupled with the GMO corn are deadly. DO NOT FORCE THE MEXICANS TO ACCEPT THESE TOXINS just because the companies controlling them are determined to make a “killing”–the flora/fauna/and people be damned. PLEASE, Mexico is right to ban these, stop muscling them to come under the yoke of Bayer et al.

By: Bob Parkey Tue, 21 Mar 2023 22:55:57 +0000 As long as US farm policy is based on quantity versus quality, shortcuts such as GMO’s and glyphosate will be the norm. Don’t blame the farmer. Working with the hand that is dealt by governmental intervention, vested interests supposed “watchdog” groups such as the EPA and WHO, survival is the name of the game and can only be achieved by working around the every existing obstacles coming from those who have never grown anything in life except their resume. The claim of safety for GMO;s is then offset by the admittance of glyphosate be “probably carcinogenic.” Using a fungus known to be toxic to cattle and horses, the GMO’s were created by using this fungus to carry desired resistance traits to glyphosate to corn, soy beans, wheat, and the list goes on and on .( Do a web search for endophyte fungus and see what the toxicity of such is.) The only thing which counts now is tonnage of product and the above program gives that in spades to the effect a glut of corn created the ethanol problem we face today. As long as bureaucrats and other governmental paid hacks control agriculture, don’t expect anything original or groundbreaking. Isn’t it amazing how those who live in agriculture are rarely if ever consulted and almost never given positions of political power. Monsonato and Bayer are bringing you “better living through chemicals” to much the same degree Bayer brought “better living through chemicals” to the millions of Jews in World War II.
