Comments on: For Young Farmers, Land Access Will Make or Break the 2023 Farm Bill Farm. Food. Life. Wed, 05 Apr 2023 22:00:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris123 Tue, 21 Feb 2023 17:00:24 +0000 In reply to Rudy.

The bulk of the money from Farm Bills (north of 80%, typically), goes to nutrition programs, such as SNAP, WIC, and others.

By: Brendan Wed, 30 Nov 2022 13:57:35 +0000 In reply to Rudy.

Once upon a time, the Federal Government literally gave way millions of farming land to white homesteading families to help drive-again, white-private land ownership. The Federal Govt even did it again! And gave away front door keys to homes & a college education, via the GI Bill. But, darn it! The pesky Blacks were overlooked again! This time in the distribution of Post WWII “bootstrap subsidies” that their white citizens had access to, including access to the suburbs where large grocery stores were plentiful, vs urban areas, where the idea of a supermarket-much less a fully functioning farm.
These are generational wealth-building examples that were really only granted to whites. Black owned farms were often unable to get a loan from the bank to expand; or to buy expensive equipment; & certainly, many white farm workers would not work on black farms. This is why it is essential to have a racial justice component. Modern agriculture, & most environmental movements, including SDG work, now acknowledge racial justice as intrinsic to any broader social movement. Having Black farmers at the table for the 2023 Farm Bill, & making sure Black farmers are given an equal shot at land acquisition, are vital to the values modern farming & agriculture promote.

By: Dr B S Nadagoudar Sun, 27 Nov 2022 10:40:03 +0000 A GOOD topic to discuss and evolve suitable process. For venturing into any sort of business by anyone — young or old resources are available or can be created but not land. It is a common problem around the world. Lot of thinking has to go in this.
One suggestion is, if some land owners are not exploiting full or to certain extent potentiality of the land owned by him or her or the organisation, it should be taken over by the Government to create LAND BANK and allot to young people to exploit its potentiality on certain terms and conditions..

By: Enoch Sun, 27 Nov 2022 09:24:41 +0000 In reply to Rudy.

You speak some truth, however your frame of thinking is why there is a need for “anti-racism work” to exists in the present system of today. Your right “ Farms do exist to produce…” however it was the social engineering that has the situation where it is at today and you still believe in its meth of privilege. Think about it this way…if it was race-neutral from its conception where would you be today? It’s just a thought…I’m just saying!

By: Anne Connor Wed, 23 Nov 2022 11:32:24 +0000 The difficulty in acquiring land is symptomatic of agricultural financing. We need more young, first-generation, small-hold farmers to expand our access to local food. What we are willing to finance is an expression of what we value. Many young farmers care about creating social and environmental value along with their farm products; a national investment in them would benefit us all.The way people farm matters.

By: Dee Wed, 23 Nov 2022 03:51:15 +0000 Government money won’t do much of anything to help young farmers get established. A shift of priorities by society is needed. As long as developers cannot be stopped from destroying America’s best farmland, greed will win in the end, and farmland will be in ever shorter supply. Sadly, we have lost the mindset that we are stewards of the land who should strive to pass it down to future generations in better condition than we received it. We’re busy building more houses on farmland, and retail facilities that will end up vacant.
Some things are worth more than money, but those who destroy the land for profit won’t understand until all the farmland is gone and their plates are empty. Then our children will ask what we were thinking and why we allowed it to happen.

By: Rudy Mon, 21 Nov 2022 16:48:24 +0000 First, my impression of these farm bills is that the bulk of the money goes to large agribusiness and what used to be called gentleman farmers. Second, the notion that “29 percent say their farm exists for anti-racism work” is baffling. Farms exist to produce meat, eggs, grain, hay, etc., not for social engineering. I have never yet met a cow that cared whether its owner was white, black, brown, red, yellow. . . whatever. Grain grows equally well regardless of the race of the farmer. Government hand-outs should be race-neutral and be made available to whoever can make best use of them.

By: Mike Brady Mon, 21 Nov 2022 15:39:54 +0000 Sorry
If we can send $60 billion to the Ukraine, which I am fully against, we can spend $2.5 billion over 10 years for our young farmers

By: Mike Brady Mon, 21 Nov 2022 15:37:54 +0000 I’m usually against government getting involved in Private property or for-profit businesses. But in this case it seems like an excellent investment into the future of this country. This legislation does several things beyond what was stated regarding lifting the poorer farmers, restoring the land, and knocking down race barriers. 1.Creates a local eco system for food security 2.Fights the spread of concentration of wealth. Globalism controlled by the Uber rich is a plague trying to take over the world 3. Strengthens community which is the way this world is supposed to function 4. Better food quality for the world today and for the future.You have to know these smaller first time farmers are much more conscientious about the quality of their crops and animals.
If we can send $60 billion to the Ukraine, which I am fully against, we can spend $2.5 million over 10 years for our young farmers
