Comments on: Wary of Wolves, Some Western Ranchers Are Returning to Life on the Range Farm. Food. Life. Tue, 30 Jul 2024 15:48:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greg Merriam Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:07:07 +0000 This will probably be deleted because you don’t want the people of Colorado to know the truth. I will check back on it. The same reason is that you do not keep the reviews about the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, unless they are good.
All I can say is the freedom of speech set by our forefathers was provided because they needed it as we need it now to protect our Wildlife resources against the Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
Wolf Re-introduction Ignorance by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife.
Only when people are stupid, does the Colorado Parks and wildlife becomes an over achiever. It took over 100 years for our ancestors to kill of the wolver because it prevented safety and security for our families, kids, livestock, which is our livelihood. No you take our hard earned money and release a plague of a killing machine thinking in your ignorance that you can control these uncontrollable merciless killing animals. You do this to us, yet you will not take your children out in the areas where you have secretly put wolves. All of these Colorado Parks and Wildlife idiots deserve a wolf if their back yard to have lunch with fe-fe, and sell its limbs pulled off their body while fe-fe is still alive. Then walk away and not eat a bite, would don’t kill because they are hungry. They kill because they can. (See 80 elk killed in Montana by a pack of wolves, and nothing was eaten.) You keen to be in one of these killing feels it may remove some of you void that is in your lack of intelligence. Hunters are a controllable management source, that provides a massive state income.
Instead you do this so that the Federal Game and fish will pay you the $500 for each wolf that you have living in the state, to hell if a hunter never see the elk, The CP&W get the money from the hunters elk license and the $500 from the feds. It is called double dipping and shows your extremely poor decision making knowledge. Not your extremely staged corrupt wolf vote counted behind closed doors was a corrupt vote to rival the last presidential voting that went on in this county, so you feel it was legal. Another stupid decision, you keep falling over and over and think people don’t know. We do.
I assume the next Pandemic source you be building is infecting our wildlife resource with the plague, saying we can’t control it, but it will lower the human population to lower the congestion on our highways. Another way you cam and don’t ever take responsibility for your actions against the people of Colorado! So you feel it is a justified direction for you to follow in your poor judgement. This is a green collar scam.
On Jun 7, 2023, at 8:18 AM, Greg Merriam <> wrote:
This is what I sent and was read to the CP&W Commission regarding their extremely poor job of Managing the Wildlife, which technically is their only Job.
 Joe this nis what I sent in my frustration on how poorly the manage the wildlife, which technically is their 21 and only job.
From: Greg Merriam
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 3:00 PM
Subject: It is time to clean out the swamp! The extremely poor performance of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife in the Conservation of our big game, Deer, Elk and Antelope is an imbarrasment to the state!
This winter produced a 100-year storm, a freak in the weather all focused on the Moffat County, a high plains desert in the big game capitol located in northwest Colorado. The was a bad on in 1982 but the deer loss was more because of snow, then warm days that melted the top of the snow, followed by cold weather that iced the surface and scraped the skin of the legs of the deer and antelope. We can’t change the weather or nature, but we can lessen the effects of the disastrous effects it has on Colorado wildlife. The top management heavy division of wildlife and with the director leading the charge decided that since they could not save them all they would not even try. There only job is to manage wildlife as in their charter. Again, they display the very poor job they do in that area. With elk licenses at $750 for elk and having the most elk of any state this should be a felony for them to sit in their warm office in Denver, which did not receive a record snow fall, drink their coffee, and announce the bad winter as it was happening. But not do a thing about the herds of deer, elk and antelope dying in the roadways and miles in-between because of their Extreme negligence. They must only be managing the dog walks and parks in Denver, not our wild game resources. We are forced to pay these overpaid educated dummies, to do nothing to manage the game numbers. Allowing thousands and thousands of game animals to die as they saw it coming and just posted it but did not get off their fat butts to do anything to lessen the anticipated damage makes me sick. The Colorado Parks and Wildlife is a complete embarrassment to every Colorado resident in this state.

If there were enough Wal-Marts we could easily fill the with incoming door greeter because that is the level of intelligence they display, year after year. Line their pockets with wildlife money, then December 31 rolls it up to the Governors bucket so that he can use it for biking trails around Denver, and fields for socker moms. A total misuse of fund by the Parks and Wildlife Gestapo. I know some won’t make the cut at Wal-Mart, but that does show their level of intelligence we have managing our most important resource in the state. It all comes down to the bean counter dollar. You see the more they save the more that rolls up to the governors bucker every year in December, and the Parks and wildlife starts at broke every year. Why? Because the Parks and Wildlife director gets a star on his pointed little head for having more money to roll up to his boss, the governor every year. When it comes to any emergency feeding which they can do, they don’t because it would lower the governor’s income. Basically, to hell with the wildlife, the governor is my boss.

Government work has never been as good as the private sector, because they don’t care about customer satisfaction, they are guaranteed their paycheck, and you can’t be fired. They are quite happy to be over budget, that way they can justify asking for more money per division next year. In the private sector the account judgment uses a thing call common sense, a skill that the Colorado P&W does not use, in decision because if they don’t have enough money th4e just rain haunting license or ad a bogus small game license requirement to get a license.
Just like the wolf issue we all know they needed a plan because the Parks and wildlife division wanted the wolves because the Fish and wildlife have a wolf fund that the pay to every state each year for the number of wolves they harbor in the state. The were introduced behind the sportsman’s back and keep confidential like the details of WWII. The did this because the bean counters wanted them to get that fed money in the back door, which is also confidential.

Then they knew that if everything came out, they would lose any type of sportsman permission to introduce wolver. Ta-Da they dreamed up a pan to have a vote counting election voting to who want wolve and who does not. It was a frig-en land slide that over 75 of the people did not want wolves. As the vote we counted in Denver behind closed doors it was as bias as a communist vote for communism under a director. Yes, they showed the skill and knowledge of counting. The announced that the people that wanted wolves won. There were no “Independent Auditors” or overseers of that type. I guess I should throw in their lack of honesty as well, which has always been an issue when you have government entity that is crooked as a dog’s hind leg.
Do the Care in any way about the hunters paying for everything including putting their kids through school, keeping a roof over their head, food on their table. No, not in any way. This is a good example for an Iacocca cleanout of usness and needles management, because if they were managing, the big Game bole of the NW corner of the state would have been seen developing, and action would have been taken.

Possible none of them would have made the cut for Walmart greeter, I hope there are enough dust mops around so that can have a job that make the money our hunters make and see the real world as it is.
Bone decisions where they felt to study mountain lions the made it illegal to hunt mountain lions on the flattops, because it was a Mountain lion test area.
Their lack of intelligence showed that in the winter the Loins with not stay up the in the deep snow, they will follow their food supply down into the valley where people and dogs have the migration deer and elk every winter. A standard predator protocol everywhere. Now calves disappeared and even horses got rakes by wintering lions as the population increased.

Or the Aspen Bear problem, where bears had been coming into town and living of the trash cans in the town. No one followed them with little bags to pick up their crap, as they mixed with the town’s dogs, cats and kids. Finally the made a deal with the CP&W that if the CP&W would capture then and release then into the wilderness, they (Aspen) would allow then to trap the bears, it turned out to be about 60 bears, remember these were not wildlife survival bears, they were bears that had grown up on Garbage in town out of can and dumpsters.
They weren’t taken to the wilderness. Can drive a truck with a bear trap behind it into a designated wilderness area legally. They were release around meeker. Farmers report4ed bears chasing their calves during the middle of the day. The bears had been protected in aspen from hunting for so many years, they weren’t afraid of man and now did not have the skills to survive on their own in the wild.

To hide this boner that they has produced, CP&W contracted 4 Bear Trappers to kill 30 bears. Now hunters would have paid for licenses to hunt them, yet the hunters license money in the CP@W bank was used to pay the 4 to reduce the number of beards to 30. The CP&W then got the hunter complaints for the actions and that is when they put bear licenses out in almost every GMU in the stare to hide their boner of a decision again.
If you herd of the Buster Fire a few years ago during hot dry summer west of Maybell. The approximately 1-mile square area was fenced off for prairie dogs and black footed ferrets that can live on prairie dogs. In a short time, the ferrets were running out of prairie dogs to eat. They CP&W went over to the eastern slope where the was an abundance of prairie dogs and trapped them to relocate over on buster flats. When they found that they have brought plague flea carrying prairie dogs, the tried to catch and bait the prairie dogs. The prairie dogs were much smarter than the CP&W after seeing 1 or 2 in live traps, they would not go in. So they put out poison bait, This was only helping for a short time and then the prairie dogs would not eat it. After some poor thought process that they carry, the idea was to burn the ground they the prairie dogs would need to eat the bait because all the groups were gone, biologists not knowing that prairie dogs have more interest in roots then grass by itself, because roots are their water source.

Again, the wanted to keep quiet that that they have brought bubonic Plague from the eastern Slope to the western slope, so they decided to burn the 1-mile fence enclosure where the ferrets and the prairie dogs were located. Trying to keep everything low key from the public, ranchers the started the fire with verry little fire control personnel and equipment.

Yes, that boner of a fire got away for their, and burned 60,000 acres, this produced the fire fighter that stay in the park in Maybell all summer, along with many other fire department and range fore group to stop and put out the fire.
The CP&W had done another Bonner, in fact this many boners in a row would register high in the books Guinness book of records.
When the media got wind of the CP&W reported it as a lighting fire, although the locals in the area knew the truth, the had been no thunderstorms in the area for at least a week.
I could go on and on about boners after boners, provide by these inadequate educated dummies designated to manage our wildlife. You can see there isn’t anything that they can manage except some can manage their own dog or cat, but again only some.
In Oregon there is a Watchdog group of 2000, The Hunters Association, to oversee the actions that are wildlife oriented. A lobbyist is in the Oregon state Capitol of Portland and gets involved so that the Oregon hunters don’t get the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife goals don’t get shoved down the hunter’s throat, as the ODFW drive for their goals, and California goals, which are not the goals of the Oregon Hunters Association. In doing so they have found numerous times that the ODFW has showed fraudulent actions behind closed door, as their bill to the Hunters association for the ODFW invoice the Hunters association for 2 Million when the Hunters Association completely rejected the ODFW offer to work with the on a new property that they bought and we doing work to improve the property habitat. We think Government scams only happen in Washington DC. The truth is “it is amongst us whether we like it or not.” Remember: The biggest lie is, “I am here from the government, I am here to help!”

I do like to bring out the facts and the lies they produce to the public while they sit behind their big desks and drink coffee every day. It is completely extremely poor management and an extremely fat and over built upper management living out and doing nothing just waiting for their retirement clock to ring, while out wildlife dies because of the practiced ignorance. If you don’t see me one day it will be because the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Gestapo can see me to hush me up from spreading the truth, that they don’t want heard.
I will probably hear from some upper-level Gestapo again like I had before when I caught 6th CP&W in their fraudulent license drawing a few years ago when they cheated 500 hunters out of the license, they had drawn do to a CP&W mistake. I am accustomed to his lies, which he finally admitted they were but that was what he was told to say to everyone.

By: Cynthia Sutter Fri, 07 Jul 2023 21:00:07 +0000 In reply to Nunya.

You apparently have no respect for life. Do you kill your neighbors when they don’t behave the way you want them to? What about your children? What you unleash on the world will return to you ten-fold.

By: Nunya Thu, 22 Jun 2023 14:05:17 +0000 Just kill the wolves. Reintroducing them was the stupidest idea ever.

By: Amber Smith Sun, 11 Jun 2023 17:06:02 +0000 In reply to John Goudge.

Guardian dogs can get ripped to pieces by several wolves at once, take a good long time to train although several living out with sheep have been useful, they can become threatening to a human they do not know, so changing population of human interns would be at risk, and are not cattle moving dogs.

By: B A Rotini Sun, 11 Jun 2023 16:59:46 +0000 I wish ranchers would use these dogs; all ranchers with cattle on open range, not just the more open-minded ones. Would like to see it conditional on obtaining public land grazing leases. So often the ranchers and sheep herders in Europe are ahead of U.S. Would be curious in knowing the impact on total cattle loss over a season.,fawn%20colored%20with%20dark%20muzzles.

By: Kevin James Cowperthwait Sun, 11 Jun 2023 07:32:22 +0000 In reply to John Goudge.

Wolves eat dogs idiot

By: John Goudge Tue, 06 Jun 2023 13:16:04 +0000 Inspiring. Shows that workìng with Nature pays off. Guardian dogs can help. They bond with the cattle or sheep and protect “thier” family. Thier senses and instincts are superior to us humans.
